Standard NDA

Non-Disclosure  Agreement


This AGREEMENT is entered into on May8, 2024 by and between


Party A : xxxxxLtd, having a place of business at XXXXXXXX, having a place of business at XXXXXXX. Hereinafter referred to as the “Discloser,” and 甲方:XXXXX公司,地址:

Party B: XXXXXXXXX, having a place of business at, XXXXXXXXX and its subsidiary and or associated companies and in particular XXXXXXX, having a place of business at XXXXXXX. Hereinafter referred to as the “Recipient.” 乙方:XXXXX公司, 地址:



During the course of their business relationship the Discloser may disclose confidential information to the Recipient; and


The Discloser wishes to keep its information confidential as agreed by this document and the Recipient agrees to use the confidential information in the manner and condition allowed as per this Agreement;




1.Definition of confidential information

1.  商业秘密的定义

1.1 Confidential information in this Agreement is defined as documents and/or information the Discloser provides to the recipient regarding the drawings and  designs for making headlamps. (Please refer to Appendix) and other relating confidential information;

1.1 本合同的商业秘密是指甲方提供给乙方的关于头灯的图样等文件资料(详见附件)以及甲方提供给乙方的其他相关保密信息;

1.2 The Recipient confirms that the confidential information is a technical secret that can benefit the Discloser economically, that of practicability and that the Discloser has taken measures to protect the confidentiality of the information;

1.2 乙方确认前述商业秘密属于能够为甲方作为所有人带来经济利益、具有实用性并经甲方采取保密措施的技术信息;

1.3  Above mentioned “other relating confidential information” may include but is not limited to:

1.3 前述其他相关的保密信息包括不限于:

A)headlamp Related technical information: technical solutions, project designs, electronic circuit designs, manufacturing technology, prescription, technological processes, technical indications, software, database, development records, technical reports, analysis reports, experimental scheme and data, experimental results, technical charts, sample products, sample equipment, models, moulds, operational handbooks, technical files, letters, faxes and so on.

A) 头灯相关的技术信息:技术方案、工程设计、电路设计、制造方法、配方、工艺流程、技术指标、计算机软件、数据库、研究开发记录、技术报告、检测报告、实验方案和数据、试验结果、图纸、样品、样机、模型、模具、操作手册、技术文档、相关的函电,等等;

B) Related management information: purchase information (e.g. supplier information, price of purchase), information on product sales or providing service (e.g. customer information, sales price, consultation documents, promotion strategy, market share), information on economic cooperation (e.g. technology cooperation documents), tendering and bidding documents, legal affair information (e.g. information on litigation, arbitration or economic disputes), management decision information (e.g. resolution of board of directors or shareholders, business plans), accounting information not opened to public (e.g. profit or loss, production cost, bank account, accounting books and financial report), aforesaid technology’s application, welfare information ( e.g. salary, bonus, or other welfare), internal management rules information (e.g. labor discipline, confidentiality rules, staff handbook) and negotiation/meeting information.

B) 相关的经营信息:采购信息(例如供应商信息、采购价格等)、销售产品或提供服务的信息(例如客户信息、销售价格、咨询服务工作资料、促销策略、市场份额等)、经济合作信息(例如技术合作资料等)、法律事务信息(例如诉讼、仲裁及经济纠纷信息等)、经营决策信息(例如董事会、股东会会议决议,经营计划等)、不公开的财务信息(例如经营盈亏、产品成本、银行账号、财务账簿报表等)、前述技术信息应用情况、劳资情况信息(例如工资、奖金和福利等)、内部管理制度信息(例如公司劳动纪律、保密制度、员工手册等)以及谈判/会议信息,等等。

2. Obligations of the recipient  乙方的义务

The Recipient shall treat all Confidential Information of the discloser as strictly confidential and secure, using the same degree of care the recipient uses to protect its own confidential information, but in any event not less than high standard of care, and without the prior written consent of the discloser, The Recipient :


2.1 Shall not exploit or make use, directly or indirectly, and/or copy, duplicate or reproduce such Confidential Information, for any other purpose other than for the Purpose of the Agreement. Unless otherwise approved by Party A,the recipient shall not take picture (including mobile taking picture) or copy documents when it access the discloser’s information.


2.2 Shall protect and safeguard the Confidential Information against any unauthorized use, disclosure, transfer or publication with at least the same degree of care as it uses for its own confidential or proprietary information, but in no event with less than high care;


2.3Shall not use any Confidential Information to compete or obtain any competitive or other advantage with respect to the discloser;


2.4 Shall restrict its internal disclosure of the Confidential Information only to those employees who clearly have a need-to-know of such Confidential Information, and then only to the extent of such need-to-know and strictly for the Purposes; 


2.5 Shall not disclose or transfer, directly or indirectly, the Confidential Information or any part thereof, or any document or other material (in any medium), which contains, summarizes or embodies the Confidential Information or any part thereof, to any person, firm, corporation or any other entity, at any time unless it was authorized by the discloser in advance; It being understood that any disclosure of Confidential Information to any transferee will be made (A) only for the purpose of the Agreement and (B) only to such transferees who have agreed in writing, prior to and as a condition for disclosure thereto, to (a) keep the confidentiality of such Confidential Information and (b) be bound to the confidentiality obligations of this Agreement (as if it had originally been named as the recipient herein) and (c)Name the Discloser as an intended third-party beneficiary of each such written agreement, with the rights to enforce the written agreement made by such transferee. For avoidance of doubt no transferee shall have the right to further disclose information so disclosed thereto.

2.5除非得到甲方事先授权,否则不得在任何时间,直接或间接地向任何个人、公司或任何其他实体披露或转让保密信息或其任何部分,或任何包含、总结或体现保密信息的文件或其他材料或其中任何部分(无论存储于任何媒介)。乙方理解,任何保密信息只有在如下情况下可以向受让人披露:(A)仅因本协议目的;(B)仅向在得知保密信息之前已经书面同意如下条件的受让人披露:(a)保持保密信息的保密性;(b)受本协议保密义务的约束,视为本协议之乙方,以及(c)指定披露方为每份书面协议的预期第三方受益人,具有对转让方所达成的书面协议进行强制执行的权利。为免生疑问,受让方不得对在此披露的保密信息作进一 步披露。

2.6 Shall notify Discloser upon discovery of any unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential Information and take reasonable steps to regain possession of the Confidential Information and prevent further unauthorized actions or other breach of this Agreement.

2.7 在发现任何未经授权使用或披露保密信息的行为后,应通知甲方并采取合理步骤以恢复对保密信息的占有,并防止未经授权的进一步行为或其他违约行为。

2.7 No Rights or Licenses Granted. The disclosure of the Confidential Information pursuant to this Agreement shall not grant the recipient any express or implied license or right in such Confidential Information, including without limitation any right or license to any patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, moral right or any other right recognized by any law or regulation of any jurisdiction worldwide (collectively, “Intellectual Property Rights”).the discloser are and shall remain at all times the owners of all Intellectual Property Rights in any Confidential Information which will be used by the recipient only for the Purpose .the recipient agrees that it shall not remove or otherwise alter any of the discloser’s trademarks, logos, copyright notices or other proprietary notices or indicate, if any, fixed or attached to the Confidential Information or any part thereof.  


2.8 Return of Confidential Information. Unless otherwise required by applicable law or regulation or by any competent judicial, governmental, supervisory or regulatory body (including without limitation, any stock exchange),the recipient shall either destroy immediately or return to the discloser within ten (10) days of receiving such a copies is allowed to keep.


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