With the development of Chinese economy and China is famous for its commodity of high quality but with low prices, more and more merchants prefer to purchase from China online. Some lawbreakers take advantage of the international transaction to defraud foreign buyer. Our team handles dozens of these kinds of cases and hereby we remind you of the following points based on our experience from the side of foreign Buyers.
1.Background investigation is important
Some lawbreakers pretend to be seller under a faked company name or English company name. Please be noted that according to Chinese law the company registered under Chinese law shall be in Chinese name you can’t trace a company only by its English name. So to hire a Chinese lawyer to check its background before the transaction is crucial.
2. A purchase contract in writing shall be necessary
We recommend that the purchase contract shall be in writing reviewed by a Chinese lawyer because laws differ in different countries. A forging lawyer cannot review a contract of a transaction happened in China. Some issues such as period of objection when receipt of goods, governing laws and jurisdiction are very important. a contract in writing shall be a criteria to rely on.
3. Commodity inspections are recommended
As per our experience on cases even some buyer are defrauded even though they purchase by using L/C. foreign buyer can hire a independent third party to inspect the commodity on behalf of the buyer. Please refer to Chinese version for details.

Mr. Dong Wang has been in practice for over 20 years, specializing in business law, including employment law, commercial law, company law, and intellectual property law. Mr. Wang has earned respect and trust from his clients due to his professionalism, fidielty, and kindness.
Email: wangdong@royalaw.com